If I Tell you not to Interact, Will You?

But homeworld is weird because how do you go from having an empire to being on a penal planet for 3000 years to going to a remnant population to right back to having an empire

How does a word last that long without a force behind it

Imogen S'jet.


…. Keltic. Ok.

But ‘Karan’ is Danish

Ok, that’s why it feels wrong, completely different language group (or am I messing that up? Tired)

Does that imply some Hiigaran historical reclamation movement

Ljd I 6flug,ijgiobol reflection is a lie a photos must e absorbed and retransmitted to be perceived

Jdtcjyvku g, ugk astrophysics

Anonymous asked:

show me a body without organs

wdhmbt answered:

Did you know that statistically 0 nuclear fusion happens outside the sun’s core

Did you know that, while it takes less than nine minutes for a photon to reach earth from the Corona, statistically, it goes through 170,000 years of absorption and retransmission (not quite reflection) to get from the core to the Corona because you ain’t seen what thick is





"I cannot accept your canon that we are to judge Pope and King unlike other men, with a favourable presumption that they did no wrong. If there is any presumption it is the other way against holders of power, increasing as the power increases. Historic responsibility has to make up for the want of legal responsibility. Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority: still more when you superadd the tendency or the certainty of corruption by authority."

- Acton-Creighton Correspondence (1887)



Is it weird that in so many fields, the result of the application of power is filtering and refinement from its natural state - skimming off the unwanted dross. Yet running power through any human, bringing imperfections to light, is expected by some to bring up no dross? As if a humans natural state is somehow pure?

When FTL jumping into an underdeveloped planetary system, preferred inserion point is 100… sorry, 144, solar diameters above the clockwise rotational pole. South, I think you call it?

Preferred holding orbit is polar, as it tends to be less used by satellites, but slow enough that one should be able to figure things out before risking observation

Not that I’ve even bothered to load the website in years, but am I to understand the not-mspa-webcomic has completely killed the “troll mexico” dynamic

That is

Intentionally calling up and breaking muddling stereotypes as part of a gag, and then just dropping it

Because I read secondhand that people can’t conceive of headscarves, deserts, and muslims as separate concepts

That diversity can only exist in how you’ve experienced and acknowledged it

There’s this “write what you know” advice

and people interpret it as an excuse not to learn new things

Or not to acknowledge that sometime rhythms repeat and sometimes they don’t

What you know can surprise you when you hold a light to it. Examine it. Filter it through the chaotic mess that is a proper existence.

I kinda want a charpai but I could do more with sofa right now…
